しかし、振り返ってみると、本当に楽しいセクションがたくさんありました。私は、あなたが山ダウン独自のパスを選択しなければならなかった最初の大きな降下を愛した。これは私の、私がかつて英国で行ったレースを実行して落ちたことを思い出し。私が側川に沿って走ると谷流れ落ちる水の流れを聞いだっすると私は非常に肯定的に保つ。非常に特別な瞬間は、第三登山の開始時に神社までランニングして墓地を通過しました。私はこの素敵なセクションを感情的に本当にいい感じを持って。私はあまりにも急な下り坂を愛して!私はINOV - 8 Xタロン212Sを着ていた嬉しかった。大きなグリップは、私が本当に下り坂を下り爆撃することができました。しかし、私の足はレース後日で、このために支払うんでした!それはスローダウン'と述べた看板を見て面白かった。私の脳は逆の方法で働いていたし、彼らは、これは私ができるのと同じくらい速くダウンする場所だったと言ってくれました!
おめでとうござい田畑幸司素晴らしい勝利と用ウェルに行って巨大な私のINOV - 8×デサントのチームメイト田畑幸司と小出拓则それぞれ2番目と3番目の仕上げ用。ビッグはよく女性のタイトルを獲得するための私の仲間のオージーショーナスティーブンソンに行わ。それはまた、彼がしたすべてのもののすべての週末すべてのクラスだったスポーツの伝説、剛鏑木を、満たすために光栄でした。彼は皆のために多くの時間を持っていたし、魅力的な笑顔ですべてをした。私と一緒に撮った写真を持って含む!
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With my Inov-8 x Descente 2nd and 3rd placing team mates |
I love coming to Japan and I feel very privileged to have seen two very beautiful areas now; Mt Fuji and Hakuba. In both these locations, the people's charm, hospitality and my sense of feeling very welcomed has been very similar!
Thank you to all the lovely people who I met at Hakuba and introduced themselves to me. Although I was not totally happy with my performance, this disappointment was quickly forgotten about as for me forming new friendships and spreading the trail running love is much more important.
I was asked after the race in an interview about my high and low from the race. I think the low was on the second big mountain climb when I knew I could no longer keep up with the front runners and they slowly creept ahead. The high was at the end of the descent of the third climb as I was approaching the rice fields I saw a beautiful, big, brown eagle soaring gracefully over the valley. This picked me up and I from then on I ran strongly again for the rest of the race. I had a couple of good battles with some other runners towards the end which was fun!
But looking back, there were lots of really enjoyable sections. I loved the first big descent where you had to pick your own path down the mountain. This reminded my of a fell running race I once did in the UK. I loved running along side the river and hearing the running water flow down the valley kept me very positive. A very special moment was running up to the shrine at the start of the third climb and passing through the cemetery. I got a really nice feeling emotionally through this lovely section. I loved the steep downhills too! I was glad I was wearing the Inov-8 X Talon 212s. The great grip allowed me to really bomb down the downhills. But my legs did pay for this in the days after the race! It was funny seeing the signs that said 'Slow Down'. My brain worked in the opposite way and they told me that this was a place to just go down as quick as I could!
I have nothing but praise for the race organisers, the volunteers on the course and the local Hakuba residents. Their encouragement, support and committment was awesome. The organisation was seemless and from a runners point of view I felt very looked after in every respect. Thank you to all sponsors and supporters of this event.
Congratulations to 田畑 幸司 for the fantastic win and a massive well done to my Inov-8 x Descente team mates 田畑 幸司 and 小出 拓則 for finishing 2nd and 3rd respectively. A big well done to my fellow Aussie Shona Stephenson for winning the womens title. It was also an honour to meet a legend of the sport, Tsuyoshi Kaburaki, who was all class all weekend in everything he did. He had so much time for everyone and did everything with a charming smile; including having a photo taken with me!
I must thank Descente for the opportunity to visit and race in Japan. I hope to come back next April for UTMF again where I hope to improve on my 5th place this year. It will be a big test but one I feel I can achieve. I feel very at home on Japanese trails!
Until next time!