- 0-25km: 32nd
- 26-50km: 32nd
- 51-75:10th
- 76-100km: 9th
- 6:56:45
- 12th out of 91 finishers (139 starters)
- Seconds outside the Top 10: 74s
- Missed PB: 1m19s
- Lapped by: 2 (Max King and Jonas Budd)
- M35 Masters Championship placing had I entered: 1st! Arrggghhh
Australian Teams Positions
- Women: 6th out of 9
- Men: 8th out of 18
- Number of Hammer Gels consumed: 18
- Average Carbs consumed per hour: 54g
Water and Electrolyte
- Water: 600ml-800ml per hour
- 1 Hammer Enduralyte Extreme per hour
- Peed in my pants: 2
- Temperature at start: 25
- Humidity at start: 69%
- Number of U Turns: 300
- Shoes: Inov-8 233g, 6mm drop
Lastly, thanks to Rob Boyce and all at AURA for another opportunity to represent and be captain of the might Aussie Team. Thanks for the hosts Aspire Zone and the IAU of course for making this all possible. I will be back next year!