I'm going to try and blog more regularly. Well more regularly than once every two years anyway. The reasons I love sport and running is the variety that it throws up; I'd like to record this and if people like reading my thoughts well all the better. Have been inspired to keep a blog from all the other runners out there that have one! So I should be able to find 5 minutes a day to jot down some thoughts.
I actually have a stack of posts in draft still, I think I was waiting to add pictures to them before publishing, so I'll eventually retrospectively add those in too.
Today I'm still feeling quite stiff and sore from Kokoda, so had a long stretch in the shower. Will have to miss training at Woodstock tonight as the Boss and I have a meeting with our solicitor about our house purchase. Must say am looking forward to the new training grounds of the Blue Mountains. Fresh air, mountains to run and wildlife everywhere...